The mission of Muskingum Growth Partnership is to pursue and achieve economic growth and development in Muskingum County by providing private sector leadership and resources to the community's economic development efforts.
  • About
  • Who & Why
  • Plan
  • Investors
  • Sign Up

The Strategies

The overall goal of the partnership is to create a growing economy and a thriving local marketplace that will benefit our businesses and our community. The four major development strategies employed to reach this goal are:

Business Attraction - Marketing and advertising to attract new businesses to Muskingum County.

Retention and Expansion - Retention and expansion of existing businesses and facilities.

Infrastructure Development - Site, building, housing and public infrastructure development and improvements.

Downtown Revitalization - Business attraction and physical redevelopment to support and complement broader economic development efforts.

Each of these strategies and the activities they represent are vitally important to economic development in our community. MGP turns these ideas into actions that lead to actual business growth by funding important development projects and programs implemented by the Chamber and the Port Authority.

The “Who”

Muskingum Growth Partnership’s funding and activities are distinct yet coordinated with those of other Chamber divisions and the Zanesville-Muskingum County Port Authority. The result is a strong, comprehensive program of work that takes a unified approach to community and economic development.

The Visionary and Champion level investors in the Muskingum Growth Partnership will serve as the steering committee for the program under the general governance of the Chamber Board of Directors. The Chamber and Port staff will provide administrative support.

The “Why”

Locally we continue to have industrial investment in current facilities and now we are beginning to have speculative investment. Our logistical and “available land” advantages and the Intel announcement has heightened the attention on Muskingum County.

"Anytime development happens, specifically in our county and surrounding counties, there’s a direct benefit to the folks regionwide," Zanesville-Muskingum County Port Authority Director Matt Abbott said regarding the Intel plant announcement

In Ohio, new plants are popping up in numbers second only to Texas. To put this in context, Ohio is booking new capital projects on a per capita basis at a rate almost fourteen times that of California, according to a recent Hoover Institution study. June 26, 2022.

Housing Shortages and economic development opportunities have created our “strike while the irons hot” scenario to continue our local economic development momentum.

The mission of Muskingum Growth Partnership is to pursue and achieve economic growth and development in Muskingum County by providing private sector leadership and resources to the community's economic development efforts.


*Visionary - $5,000 & above.


*Champion - $2,500 to $4,999


Patron - $1,000 to $2,499
Cohort - $500 to $999

*Visionary and Champion levels sponsors-
  • Serve as steering committee members
  • Receives voting rights
  • Steering committee representative must be CEO, COO or CFO level
  • >

    Steering committee members will include Visionary and Champion level financial supporters and the Directors of the Z-M Chamber of Commerce and ZMC Port Authority.

    The Muskingum Growth partnership is an operating division of the Chamber of Commerce, which is a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation. A 501(c)(3) pass-through account exists at the MCCF for investment donations.

    Investment dollars remain in a separate fund in the Chamber accounting system and allocated strictly for economic development purposes of the Partnership.

    Are you interested in supporting the Muskingum Growth Partnership?

    Complete our online signup form today and we will invoice your business for your membership.

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